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Published: 21 Aug 2024

CFO, Matthew Hamilton-James makes national shortlist for Champion Ally Award

Category: Awards Employees

CFO, Matthew Hamilton-James makes national shortlist for Champion Ally Award: Matthew Hamilton James, CFO at Motability Operations

Chief Finance Officer at Motability Operations, Matthew Hamilton-James, has been shortlisted for the Champion (Ally) category at the 2024 Ethnicity Awards.

The Ethnicity Awards shine a spotlight on individuals who have made significant contributions to improving the lives of ethnic minority groups in Britain.

Matthew’s nomination is a testament to his commitment to fostering a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion at Motability Operations.

A Champion for Change

Since he became the executive sponsor of the company’s Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage network (REACH) in 2020, Matthew has been a dedicated ally. His commitment to creating a more inclusive workplace was spurred by the global Black Lives Matter movement, which prompted him to use his position to drive positive change. He consistently uses his voice and position of influence to support and uplift his colleagues within the network, remaining supportive and engaged.

As part of his DE&I efforts, Matthew participated in an internal podcast for South Asian Heritage Month, discussing the historical significance of certain dates and their importance for colleagues.

He has also sponsored listening circles to better understand the experiences of Black and ethnically diverse colleagues, with the aim of identifying and addressing barriers to progression within the organisation.

When asked how he felt about his nomination, Matthew shared: “I am incredibly honoured to have been shortlisted for the Champion (Ally) category for this year’s Ethnicity Awards.

“Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) is a significant objective for Motability Operations and I am proud, along with my executive colleagues, to be working towards parity across all aspects of ED&I.”

The Ethnicity Awards ceremony will take place in London on 31 October 2024, for more information visit

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Notes to editors

About Motability Operations

Motability Operations is the largest vehicle leasing company in Scotland and across the UK. It runs the Motability Scheme, where people receiving a qualifying disability allowance can choose an affordable and accessible vehicle, via Social Security Scotland’s Accessible Vehicle and Equipment (AVE) Scheme.

Motability Operations plays an essential role in connecting our 80,0000 disabled customers in Scotland to work, healthcare, education, and independence and provide unrivalled value. On average, the Scheme is 48% cheaper than alternative options, and includes insurance, breakdown, tyres and servicing.

Motability Operations is a key part of the automotive sector and play an essential role in helping the EV infrastructure become more accessible and inclusive.

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