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Published: 19 Feb 2018

Our response to recent exchanges in Parliament

Category: Motability Foundation

Our response to recent exchanges in Parliament: MO-Placeholder-Blue

There have been a number of recent inaccurate statements made about Motability and Motability Operations Group Plc, both in the press and in discussions in Parliament.

Although public accountability and transparency have always been taken as a given by Motability and Motability Operations Group Plc, the Scheme is of such importance to disabled people and their families, that it is essential that any discussion about it is based on fact.

Therefore both Motability and Motability Operations Group Plc have separately written to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and to others who have expressed an interest in these matters, to correct the inaccuracies and misunderstandings that have been stated.

Copies of those letters can be seen here: 

Motability Letter to Secretary of State for Work and Pensions

MO Group plc Letter to Secretary of State for Work and Pensions 

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